UP DELED BTC Second Semester Result 2021
Result | UP DELED BTC Second Semester Result 2021 | Exam Authority Name has recently released result of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021, all the enrolled candidates can see their result from DELED 2nd Semester Result: 25/10/2021.

Important Dates of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 (Uttar Pradesh Diploma in Elementary Education):
Here is the table of some important dates of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021:
Important Events | Dates |
Result | UP DELED 2nd Semester Result: 25/10/2021 |
How to download Result of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021:
Here is the step-by-step guide to download the result of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021:
- Click on Download result which is given in the Highlight section of this post, UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 .
- A new window will be opened, enter required details which is asked like Registration number etc.
- After filling all the details click on the submit button for download the result of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 .
- Take a print out of downloaded result of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 .
Highlights of UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021:
Download Result | Click Here DELED 2nd Semester Result |
Exam Name | UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 |
Exam Conducted By | Examination Regulatory Authority, Prayagraj (UP) |
Official Website | updeled.gov.in/ |
SarkariResultAtin | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Question: What is the full form of UP DELED? Answer: The full form of UP DELED is Uttar Pradesh Diploma in Elementary Education (D. El. Ed.). |
Question: Who conducts the UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021 ? Answer: Examination Regulatory Authority, Prayagraj(UP) conducts the UPBTC /UPDELED Second Semester Result 2021. |